
Evolution 1995

1995 brought to the L.A. County Fair the newest experience in thrills- Evolution. In this view, riders are looking at the ground from about 70 feet up! Evolution does three sideward looping vertical circles and a final upside down spin.

Evolution 1998

I had to do some touching up of the above picture. This is Evolution during 1998's fair (the traveling carnival version manufactured by Fabbri Rides). It is in it's terrifying final spin, an upside down view of the whole fair! In the background is Hard Rock, a spiral slide and Hi-Miler in this night time scene.

Evolution was also at the 2003 San Diego County Fair. Here it was situated to allow an upside down view of the ocean.

Evolution SD Fair

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Evolution 2002Evolution 2002Evolution 2002Evolution SD Fair
2002 Los Angeles County Fair